My tuition vehicle is a Ford Focus Zetec, 1.6 litre petrol car with manual transmission and a 5 speed gearbox.  The car has been christened, in consultation with my children and wife, as Oddjob as the number plate is ODJ, which reminded us of the James Bond character in Goldfinger!

I regularly ask customers to fill in a survey and the Ford Focus is rated very highly as a car to learn to drive in. In fact up to January 2014 of 94 respondents, 100% rated the Focus either Good or Excellent in answer to the question "Did you find the Ford Focus 1.6 Zetec to be a good car to learn your driving skills in".  Full details can be found here... Customer Survey.

I am provided with a new vehicle every 32 weeks, therefore, ensuring that my customers are always using an up to date and reliable car.  In the event of any accident or unreliability problem I am able to have a replacement vehicle within 48 hours.